Working with Our Trusted and Experienced Recruitment Agency

Having been in the recruiting industry since 1984, we have developed a highly effective and highly efficient system for interaction with our clients and business partners.

Your time, as well as ours, is very valuable; we are not in the business of sending resumes.

When we submit a candidate for review by hiring managers, the individual has been pre-screened and pre-qualified as to their experience and interest in the opportunity as described by your company.

To begin our recruiting process, we need to communicate with the hiring manager to ascertain many specifics which are not always included in a written job description. These criteria include factors such as personality, attitude, and background which may parallel the given requirements, as well as other information that would qualify or disqualify a candidate from consideration for a given position.

Our next step is to recruit people who are currently working in similar situations. Usually they are people who are not reading employment advertisements or are looking for new jobs. The majority of these people are gainfully employed and relatively happy with their present employment. Our job as recruiters is to provide them with enough information about your environment, specific job requirements, and other benefits to make them consider investigating your opening as a career enhancing opportunity.

Our premise is to act as an extension of your organization, to help you find the right individual for your specific position. We do this as honestly as possible given the information we have obtained from your company’s hiring managers. All aspects of the position and organization are communicated to the potential candidate. Our mutual success hinges not on finding the candidate a job, but in providing them the opportunity to realize an enhanced career opportunity with your organization.

When we have a candidate who is interested in considering your opportunity, we forward their information to you for review. If you decide to interview this person, the most difficult part of our job starts. We need to inform the candidate of the specifics of the interviewing process including who they will be interviewing with (names and titles) and the interview schedule. Immediately after the interview, the candidate is required to contact us and give us their initial reaction.

We go to great lengths to ensure that candidates and employers are well-matched.

The information we gather is a result of asking the following questions:

  • How did you get along with the people you interviewed with from a personality perspective?
  • How was the job described to you?
  • Do you feel you have the talent, skills, and ability to do the job?
  • Can you mentally envision yourself working there?
  • Did you get the feeling that they would like to have you working for them & why?
  • With the exception of compensation and benefits, did you get all your questions answered?
  • Assuming a reasonable offer, is there any reason why you would not accept and start two weeks after receiving a written offer?

After getting the responses from the candidate, we call the hiring authority and ask similar questions. Subsequent to this interaction we then provide feedback to the hiring authority. It is at this time in the hiring process that promptness is most critical. If either the candidate or the company fails to respond on a timely basis, the other person in the hiring process begins to doubt the interest of the other side. Many times, this results in a breach of confidence and a perceived lack of interest, thereby missing the filling of a critical position in a timely manner. Our role as the recruiter during this process is to provide continuing communication between the parties during the time it takes to put the employment contract together.

Another fact to consider is that in today’s market, competition for qualified candidates is very intense between companies, as the candidates have many more opportunities available than the companies have applicants to fill their employment opportunities. Providing ongoing communication on behalf of the company to assure the candidate of the company’s interest many times is the difference between a successful new employee and a lost opportunity.

In working with a company over time, getting to know the company “personality” as well as the personalities of the individual hiring managers involved provides us with a very positive tool in best presenting the company’s opportunities to prospective candidates. Having a positive working relationship with the company and its personnel over time is mutually beneficial in providing a “win-win” situation for all involved.